Sunday, December 18, 2011

Why is it that women say they want a good man but they always wind up with a thug who treats them like trash.?

A man who has really good game is 9 times out of 10 is gonna play games. Think about it MJ didn't just happen to step on the court and set all those NBA records. Tiger Woods didn't just happen to walk on a golf course with a golf club in his hand. Ask any professional athlete and they'll tell you the same thing practice makes perfect. This is true of all professional ball player golfer and womenizers. They know when you gonna post high they know when your gonna post low they know when you gonna drive it strat to the hole. So why is it that good women always go right when they know he's gonna drive left. Just because he always is racking up the high point and talks it up good to the meida the fact that he's always getting traded from team to team should tell you that hes not a team player.


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